Oral Hygiene Benefits of Raw Diet

Oral Hygiene Benefits of Raw Diet

What is Raw Food?


A raw food diet involves feeding unprocessed, whole, and organic foods. People generally have concerns about what to feed their dog when they get a new puppy, or run into a health issue that medications don’t seem to help. Due to the great love and care people have for their dogs, they tend to be very careful about their diets, and often stick with regular and common processed dog kibbles they can find at their local stores. But the fact is, these kibbles undergo significant processing which removes much of the nutritional value that their ingredients would have contributed to your dog’s diet, not to mention all the added preservatives. Raw foods do not undergo this processing, so by feeding your dogs raw foods, you can get the most nutritional value out of them. Raw dog food usually includes:


  • Muscle Meat
  • Organs
  • Whole or Ground Bone


Is Raw Meat Good For Your Dog?


Dogs are carnivorous by nature and their body is built to eat raw meat. Giving your dog a comprehensive diet is crucial to supporting their overall health. Beef is an essential part of a dog's diet, and raw muscle & organ meats offer great amounts of vitamin B1 and vitamin B12, which are the foundations of health and immunity. Not to mention the high-quality and easily digestible protein. 


In some cases, a poor diet, specifically one that is high in processed foods or carbohydrates, might be linked to poor oral hygiene. For your dogs, raw, beefy bones are recognized as the natural toothbrush for their ability to reach into the tight areas between their teeth and help remove dirt.


So what does Raw Food have to do with your Dog’s Oral Hygiene?

It is evident that raw-fed dogs have healthier teeth and gums than dogs fed on kibble diets. Some of the ways that raw foods are beneficial to your dog’s oral hygiene are:


Prevents Dental Plaque

Plaque forms in your dog’s teeth when acids that are released by bacteria in the teeth break down carbohydrates that mix with sugary and starchy foods. This is very common in kibble diets. Plaque can contribute to cavities, gum diseases, and ultimately, tooth loss in your dogs. Raw foods, especially raw meat, contain amino acids that help to break down the protective layer of the bacteria found in your dog’s mouth, thus preventing the bacteria from forming plaques in the first place.


Fortification of the Enamel

Enamel is the hardest part of your dog’s body that acts as a protective layer of the teeth. However, it can be broken down with poor dental hygiene such as feeding acidic foods. When acids break down the minerals in your dog’s teeth, the enamel softens and gradually wears down. Raw foods like red meat that have not been degraded nutritionally through processing contain high levels of phosphorus that supports calcium in the building of strong teeth. The phosphorus along with calcium helps to fortify the enamels on the surface of  the teeth of your dog 


Prevents Gum Disease 

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a severe gum infection that can lead to tooth loss in your dogs. It damages soft tissues and without treatment destroys the bone that supports your dog’s teeth. It can also cause an array of symptoms, such as red, swollen, and tender gums. Periodontitis is a common but highly preventable condition that can usually be avoided with a good oral hygiene regimen and a healthy diet. It has been discovered that eating animal protein, such as red meat, can help prevent gum disease. This is due to the fact that red meat is a great source of vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin that supports the wellbeing of blood and nerve cells. 


Try our raw dog food today!


Guest Post By Franklin Onayifeke

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